1. Use this smb.conf (note that modify_samba_config.pl resides on /root for testing purposes): ==========================start of smb.conf=============================== # Generated by /root/modify_samba_config.pl # [global] logonhome = \\%L\%U\.9xprofile adminusers = Administrator, root addgroupscript = /usr/sbin/groupadd -p "%g" addsharecommand = /root/modify_samba_config.pl include = /etc/samba/dhcp.conf deletesharecommand = /root/modify_samba_config.pl deleteuserfromgroupscript = /usr/sbin/groupmod -x "%u" "%g" adduserscript = /usr/sbin/useradd -m "%u" maptoguest = Bad User deleteprintercommand = /root/modify_samba_config.pl addmachinescript = /usr/sbin/useradd "%u" setprimarygroupscript = /usr/sbin/usermod -g "%g" "%u" addprintercommand = /root/modify_samba_config.pl printcapname = cups deleteuserscript = /usr/sbin/userdel -r "%u" domainlogons = yes passdbbackend = tdbsam cupsoptions = raw printing = cups logondrive = P: addusertogroupscript = /usr/sbin/groupmod -m "%u" "%g" logonpath = \\%L\profiles\.msprofile workgroup = SAMBA_TEST printcapcachetime = 750 security = user# domainmaster = yes ## Section - [shareD] [shareD] read list = @root/@users write list = user1 path = /home/shareD ## Section - [homes] [homes] readonly = No comment = Home Directories browseable = No inheritacls = Yes validusers = %S ## Section - [users] [users] readonly = No comment = All users path = /home inheritacls = Yes vetofiles = /aquota.user/groups/shares/ ## Section - [printers] [printers] createmask = 0600 comment = All Printers browseable = No printable = Yes path = /var/tmp ## Section - [shareC] [shareC] readlist = @root,@users path = /home/shareC writelist = user1,user2 ## Section - [print$] [print$] createmask = 0664 directorymask = 0775 comment = Printer Drivers path = /var/lib/samba/drivers forcegroup = ntadmin writelist = @ntadmin root ## Section - [shareA] [shareA] readlist = user1 path = /home/shareA writelist = user1 ## Section - [groups] [groups] readonly = No comment = All groups path = /home/groups inheritacls = Yes ## Section - [profiles] [profiles] readonly = No createmask = 0600 directorymask = 0700 comment = Network Profiles Service storedosattributes = Yes path = %H ## Section - [shareB] [shareB] readonly = yes path = /home/shareB # # end of generated smb.conf # ## [pshareA] [pshareA] printer = filepr directorymask = 0775 createmask = 0664 comment = filepr printable = Yes path = /var/spool/samba writelist = @ntadmin root ## [pshareB] [pshareB] printer = filepr directorymask = 0775 createmask = 0664 comment = filepr printable = Yes path = /var/spool/samba writelist = @ntadmin root ======================end of smb.conf================== 2. Add root password with smbpasswd 3. Create the files for the shares: /home/shareA /home/shareB /home/shareC /home/shareD 4. Create user1 and user2 (be sure to add with smbpasswd--passwords are passwd1 and passwd2 5. Start samba with /etc/init.d/smb start 6. On a client machine, run "mkdir /tmp/testmount" 7. On the client machine, run "mount -t cifs //<server ip address>/shareA /tmp/testmount -o username=user1"; enter user1's password (passwd1) when prompted 8. umount /tmp/testmount--this kills smbd on the server. It leaves behind /var/run/samba/smbd.pid and leaves no messages in log.smbd or /var/log/messages. A rebuild/reinstall of samba from the SLES9/SP3 samba source solves this problem if using tdbsam for the backend; the rebuild does not contain the ldapsam builtin by default (probably because ldap.h cannot be found by configure).
Lars, could you follow up on this one? Thanks.
This is a x86, x86_64, ppc(64), or s390(x) system?
I can no longer reproduce this problem. Can we resolve it as INVALID and re-open it later if I can reproduce it?
Sure. And thanks for the feedback!