Hello, a forwarded bug: In order to have LFS support on SMB-mounted shares, one must include the "lfs" option to smbmount, but the latter is not documented in the smbmount man page. Please document it. (Why enabling lfs support is not the default is beyond me...) --8<-- another comment on this bug (see URL above) is: I found this bug report quite interesting, as I had already discovered that although both my Linux systems and the Win2k file server support large files, I was unable to create a large file on the smbfs mount. I researched this further, and I discovered that mount.smbfs does indeed have the undocumented 'lfs' option. However, the option is anticipating future improvements to the smbfs kernel module. The mount command queries the module to determine whether or not it has LFS support and ignores the option if it doesn't. I checked the source of the module, and it indeed does not have LFS support. Due to that, the option is rather useless at this point. I suppose it would be a good idea to just enable it (by default) since it is only applied if the kernel has the capability, but I also suppose it doesn't matter as long as the kernel lacks the capability. --8<-- Thank you.
Noel, I have dealt today with a number of minor issues in respect of the smbfs support documentation, however, I do feel this is a waste of time given that smbfs is a dead project. It is far more productive to put effort into CIFSFS which is a project that has a future and that is being actively maintained. We actively recommend people to use CIFSFS and not smbfs. I suspect that in the not very distant future the support utilities for smbfs will be removed from the Samba source tree. If you wish to provide me with XML patches to the source documentation I will gladly apply them, but I am disinclined to spend more time on this than I have to. I am open to further discussion, and to being convinced regarding documentation updates, but want to use my time wisely. - John T.
See previous comment.