I just had the unpleasant experience of doing an rsync --checksum of two terabytes worth of data. Much to my chagrin, it actually took *longer* than it would have been to just wipe the filesystem clean and start over, because the two checksumming passes were done in a serial fashion -- first one machine, then the other. Each took well over 24 hours to complete. Please parallelize the filesystem scan phases. There is absolutely no reason for one machine to sit and wait for the other when it comes to searching its own filesystem.
That would take a redesign of the rsync protocol. If that were done, the plans for a new-protocol rsync already include making it incremental, which would obviate the need for this bug.
Pardon me for being dense, but how could it possibly require a change to the rsync protocol for the second host in the sequence to pre-scan its filesystem, so that that data is available when needed?
Created attachment 1448 [details] One possible way to reorder the checksum computation. > how could it possibly require a change to the rsync protocol for the > second host in the sequence to pre-scan its filesystem, so that that > data is available when needed? The only way to know what to scan is to look at the file list from the sender (since the receiver usually doesn't know anything other than the destination directory, and options such as -R, --exclude, and --files-from can radically limit what files need to be scanned). I suppose it would be possible for the receiver to compute the full-file checksums as the file list is arriving from the sender (yes, the sender sends the list incrementally as it is created), but the code currently doesn't know if the destination spec is a file or a directory until after it receives the file list, so the code would need to be made to attempt a chdir to the destination arg and to skip the pre-caching if that doesn't work. One bad thing about this solution is that we really should be making the sending side not pre-compute the checksums before the start of the transfer phase (to be like the generator, which computes the checksums while looking for files to transfer). Computing them during the transfer makes it more likley that the file's data in the disk cache will be able to be re-used when a file needs to be updated. Thus, changing the receiving side to pre-compute the checksums before starting the transfer seems to be going in the wrong direction (though it might speed up a large transfer where few files were different, it might also slow down a large transfer where many files were changed). The attached patch implements a simple pre-scan that works with basic options. It could be improved to handle things like --compare-dest better, but I think it basically works. If you'd care to run some speed tests, maybe you could persuade me that this kluge would be worth looking at further (I'm not considering it at the moment).
Created attachment 1452 [details] Improved patch for eary checksums This version of the patch fixes a few potential problems with the first one.
I've reopened this suggestion to consider the attached patch.
Any hope for the bug to be resolved? It is really inconvenient to have production database to be down for double amount of time than what is really necessary.
Hi, I'm experiencing the very same problem: I'm trying to sync a set of VMWare disk files (about 2.5TB) with not too many changes, and direct copying is still faster than the checksumming by a quite large margin because of the sequential checksumming on source and target just doubles the time needed. I think the point is that the GigE link between the PC and the NAS achieves about 80MB/s, and the HDD read rate is not much higher (approx. 130MB/s). When doing the checksumming on source and target in parallel we could ideally (if nothing changed) reach the read rate of the HDDs as 'transfer' bandwidth, because this is the speed at which we can verify that the data is the same on source and target. The sequential approach like it is now reduces the initial check to half the HDD read rate, so transfering unchanged files will only yield about 65MB/s in my case, which is slower than simple copying. Is this patch you proposed some years ago something I can apply to and try on a current rsync version? If not, could you update it to the 3.1.x version so I can benchmark the parallel checksumming in my situation? Best Regards Rainer
I would argue that optionally all directory scanning should be made parallel. Modern file systems perform best when request queues are kept full. The current mode of rsync scanning directories does nothing to take advantage of this. I currently use scripts to split a couple dozen or so rsync jobs in to literally 100's of jobs. This reduces execution time from what would be days to a couple hours every night. There are lots of scripts like this appearing on the net because the current state of rsync is inadequate. This ticket could reasonably combined with 5124.