I'n using samba 3.0.14a on FC4 and i've got problem with passdb backend creation during instalation: I've got merely untouched smb.conf (comparig to disto-s) with smb.loki.conf included at the last line. All my settings are in smb.loki.conf including passdb backend = tdbsam . With this smbpasswd and tdbedit didn't undestand that i wanted tdb backed and were creating smbpasswd instead of passdb.tdb and smb daemon was looking for passdb.tdb causing errors in log file, and authentication problems. After moving passdb backend statement to main smb.conf everything worked fine. For me looks like smbpasswd and pdbedit didn't read included configfile. regards Andrzej Czajewski
Please include the smb.conf files in question. Is there a dot in your "passdb backend = " line or was that part of the sentence?
(In reply to comment #1) No that was just sentence ending. Both smb.conf and smb.loki.conf attached. Now at line 21 in smb.conf there is passdb backend statement, without it there ( it was still in smb.loki.conf ) the problem occured.
Created attachment 1406 [details] main smb.conf main smb conf from which smb.loki.conf
Created attachment 1407 [details] included smb.loki.conf
Just tried it with latest 3_0. Works for me. Please retry with a later version. If the problem persists, please provide a minimal smb.conf (should be doable in very few lines). Thanks, Volker