I got an error while compiling samba. I finished configuring samba and got to the point to compile all the files. Below is the error that I got: smbd/chgpasswd.c: In function `change_oem_password': smbd/chgpasswd.c:1011: warning: initialization makes pointer from integer withou t a cast smbd/chgpasswd.c:1043: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast smbd/chgpasswd.c:1050: invalid type argument of `unary *' make: *** [smbd/chgpasswd.o] Error 1 Can anybody please help me w/ this problem ASAP! Thank you so very much! Jennie
If you are compiling Samba, then it would be best to get 3.0.14a. Please reopen this report if it is still present in the latest production release.
sorry for the same, cleaning up the database to prevent unecessary reopens of bugs.