Bug 2221 - Problem accessing cifs-shares from Wine
Summary: Problem accessing cifs-shares from Wine
Alias: None
Product: CifsVFS
Classification: Unclassified
Component: kernel fs (show other bugs)
Version: 2.6
Hardware: x86 Linux
: P3 major
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Steve French
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Reported: 2005-01-07 03:57 UTC by Michael Seewald
Modified: 2005-03-18 23:17 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Michael Seewald 2005-01-07 03:57:25 UTC
Hi, there is a bizarre bug causing that cifs shares are not fully functional in

I installed FC3 and Wine out of the box and mounted a share from a WinXP (SP2)
computer. When I use a program running in Wine (e.g. winefile) to navigate the
Linux file system tree and go to a directory, that resides on a cifs share, it
is the case that I see only 64 file or directory entries. It shows only the
first 64 entries, after that the entries are just not visible. The problem does
not occur if the very same share is mounted using smbfs.

//$   /home/michael/TRANSFER/e   cifs   
 1  2

My system:
Fedora Core 3, i386
Kernel 2.6.9-1.681_FC3
Samba 3.0.10-1.fc3
Wine 0.20041201-1.rhfc3.nr

Best regards,
Comment 1 Steve French 2005-03-07 21:22:04 UTC
there was a big cifs merge in 2.6.10 (patches available for some earlier 
versions on the project page to get to cifs version 1.29).  Any chance you 
could try on that?  I believe that addressed all known strange readdir (ls) 
Comment 2 Steve French 2005-03-18 23:17:13 UTC
There is an fc3 patch on the project page now.  The most recent which I have
tested on fc3 is

prepare your fc3 kernel for builds
(usually something like rpmbuild -bp specfilefname from the SPECS directory)
gunzip the cifs file
cd to the root of the kernel source tree
make M=~/cifs-1.30 (or whatever dir the files were unzipped to)
cp cifs-1.30/cifs.ko /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/fs/cifs/