From bug 209: # sh Assuming Samba distribution is rooted at /u01/XIP/Samba/samba-3.0.0beta2.. Could not find /u01/XIP/Samba/samba-3.0.0beta2/source/bin/make_smbcodepage to generate codepages. Please create the binaries before packaging. ## Building pkgmap from package prototype file. ERROR in prototype: no object for <checkinstall> found in search path no object for <docs/NT4_PlainPassword.reg> found in root directory no object for <docs/Win95_PlainPassword.reg> found in root directory no object for <docs/Win98_PlainPassword.reg> found in root directory no object for <docs/Win2000_PlainPassword.reg> found in root directory pkgmk: ERROR: unable to build pkgmap from prototype file ## Packaging was not successful. The samba package is in /tmp
Shawn, I've checked in some fixes to the Solaris packaging files to bring them up to date with Samba 3.0. There was a lot of changes to the codepage system (basically it was replaced) so references to make_codpage and the actual codepages themselves are out of date. I've tested that the package builds on a Solaris system but was unable to test whether it installs or indeed works. In particular, I was unsure whether the reference to checkinstall in prototype.master should be kept or not. According to the checkinstall script is only available on Solaris 2.5.1. It could have been a file that Shirish forgot to check in though. If you could provide some input on this it would be great.
originally reported against 3.0aph24. Bugzilla spring cleaning. Removing old alpha versions.
sorry for the same, cleaning up the database to prevent unecessary reopens of bugs.