I am sharing an NFS mount (version 3, proto tcp) from a linux box via a solaris 2.6 server running samba 3.0.10 (was running 3.0.2a, upgraded to see if it fixed this problem). Whenever a computer mounts this partition, it always shows a partition size of 1.4G with 1.4G used (there is about 29 gig used on this partition, its actual size is 527G) with 0% free space available. This causes no behavior problems excecpt on Mac OSX clients where when trying to write a new file via a finder window (copying, etc) will fail with the result of 'not enough free space available' as Mac OS X performs a freespace check before attempting to write the file. It however works just fine via the command line, and on all other unixish clients that access it. What I've done to try to resolve this. Via a suggestion and using the smb.conf I have setup a dfree command in the conf with this smb.conf option mozart lib# cat smb.conf |grep dfree dfree command = /usr/sbin/dfree the output of dfree is as follows: mozart lib# dfree 551681064 516468320 4096 source of dfree is: mozart lib# cat /usr/sbin/dfree #!/bin/sh df -k $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $2" "$4 " " 4096}' The df -k output is: mozart lib# df -k /export/web Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on asgard:/CEMS/web 551681064 35212744 516468320 7% /export/web The corresponding output of df on a client that mounted the share in question: //mozart/unix_web 1.4G 1.4G 0 100% /mnt/temp here's some output from the log.smbd showing that its using the dfree output correctly: [2004/12/19 07:26:05, 3] smbd/dfree.c:disk_free(88) disk_free: Running command /usr/sbin/dfree . [2004/12/19 07:26:05, 3] smbd/dfree.c:disk_free(94) Read input from dfree, "551681064 516468272 4096" [2004/12/19 07:26:05, 3] smbd/dfree.c:disk_free(109) Parsed output of dfree, dsize=551681064, dfree=516468272, bsize=4096 I have also tried experimenting with the block size = line in smb.conf to no avail. If you need anything more from me in terms of debug output, let me know, and I'll get whatever you need.
still an issue in 3.0.11 ?
closing. no feedback.