samba 3x compiled on AIX5.X The option "mangled names", that is default set to "yes" mangles directories that have names starting with a leading "." (dot) Version 2x of samba does not mangle the names of directories starting with a dot! Is this a new feature or not?
probably a feature. Man you read over the changes in smb.conf regarding mangling method? The default algorithm changed between 2.2.x and 3.0.x
I read, that the algorithm of this function changed, but this not implitcitly change the behavior of the function. I think in this case, the reference could be the behaviour of a windows system. Windows support without problems a leading dot in a directory name. O.k., you cannot make a directory with leading dot with the "windows explorer gui", but from command line or with an application this works fine. I think the best is, if samba make this in the same manner and not mangle this case.
Closing. Needs testing against 3.0.20. Feel free to reopen if the current version still has a bug in you opinion.