setup is suse 9.2, samba 3.09 act as pdc with ldap, populated by idealix scripts. everything works fine, but some groups cant opened by usrmgr. the global ones ( Domain Admins etc are working ) but open i.e Group Administrators fail. The setup worked fine with samba 3.04a. All Groups are existing and can be browsed by ldap, no special entries in the logs, it seems that the open of this groups is simply ignored by smb, my client was win xp serv pack 2 german. No other failures came up with this setup. A user can be added to this groups on the shell without any problems and its shown up as member in the ldap browser.
please retests against 3.0.11. Thanks.
(In reply to comment #1) > please retests against 3.0.11. Thanks. Hi Jerry i will do so and report
sorry for the same, cleaning up the database to prevent unecessary reopens of bugs.