When still set for the default value, 'pdbedit -P "maximum password age" reports: account policy value for maximum password age is 4294967295 But, 'pdbedit -P "maximum password age" -C 4294967295' doesn't work. In fact, the highest value this will let you set is 2147483646. (Hmm... Half the default value... Is one the max unsigned int and the other the max signed int?)
The problem seems to be signed vs unsigned, as you said. Strangely, 'pdbedit -P "maximum password age" -C -1' works, and when you run it, it reports, 'account policy value for maximum password age is now 4294967295'.
If it's still broken in 3.5, please reopen. 3.0 isn't supported anymore.
I don't think we should close bugs that are easy to reproduce
this is more of a cosmetic issue, which we will not change any more, sorry.
*** Bug 3385 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***