Using the following system: Debian 11 with rsync 3.2.3 Fedora 38 with rsync 3.2.7 Creating the following environment: mkdir -p src/x cmp/x dst/ setfattr -n -v bar cmp/x Executing the following command: rsync --recursive --xattrs --dry-run --compare-dest=../cmp/ src/ dst/ Results in the following error: rsync: [generator] copy_xattrs: lsetxattr("/home/user/dst/x","") failed: No such file or directory (2) The issue only seems to occur if: x is a directory (inside another, not as a direct argument) --recursive, --xattrs and --dry-run are set --compare-dest, --copy-dest or --link-dest are set The error seems to come from: source file generator.c in function recv_generator (line 1489) The error seems to be either: recv_generator (in generator.c) calling copy_xattrs when it should not or copy_xattrs (in xattrs.c) / sys_lsetxattr (in lib/sysxattrs.c) not checking the dry-run flag similarly to the functions in syscall.c do