The samba4.drs.ridalloc_exop.python is known to have been flapping for years, per and flaps due to behaviour in our join code around links to deleted objects. The commit at the end of the process would notice that the link target is now deleted and expected to return a signal to retry with GET_TGT, but by this stage it is too late. This patch allows this case to continue as if GET_TGT had already have been detected as being useful earlier in the process. This, rather than a more invasive change, is made to avoid upsetting our otherwise well-behaved replication infrastructure.
This bug was referenced in samba master: 2d41bcce83a976b85636c92d6fc38c63fdde5431 bfc33b47bb428233e100f75e7a725ac52179f823
Created attachment 17827 [details] Patch in master backported to Samba 4.17
Created attachment 17828 [details] Patch in master backported to Samba 4.18
Assigning to Jule for and
Pushed to autobuild-v4-{18,17}-test.
This bug was referenced in samba v4-17-test: 3ecdec683b60cf100b1c031841b709c91191c8f2 eaff4ef61624276b16dc0dcb11868e2778d2e46f e2df45934ab415732f7f0377601774119b37e7b3
This bug was referenced in samba v4-18-test: e804b5b7808f5fafaf61c19476cee98c475fab8a 50f68094f68078072510d9193e72eef56c70c6d5
Closing out bug report. Thanks!
This bug was referenced in samba v4-18-stable (Release samba-4.18.2): e804b5b7808f5fafaf61c19476cee98c475fab8a 50f68094f68078072510d9193e72eef56c70c6d5
This bug was referenced in samba v4-17-stable (Release samba-4.17.8): 3ecdec683b60cf100b1c031841b709c91191c8f2 eaff4ef61624276b16dc0dcb11868e2778d2e46f e2df45934ab415732f7f0377601774119b37e7b3