the vfs_gpfs man page contains this: "As GPFS does not support the ACE4_FLAG_NO_PROPAGATE NFSv4 flag (which would be the mapping for the DESC_DACL_PROTECTED flag), the status of this flag is currently silently ignored by Samba. That means that if you deselect the "Allow inheritable permissions..." checkbox in Windows' ACL dialog and then apply the ACL, the flag will be back immediately." First of all ACE4_FLAG_NO_PROPAGATE is not the same or the mapping of DESC_DACL_PROTECTED. In addition to that gpfs does contain support for DESC_DACL_PROTECTED, so saying that gpfs does not support this is outdated also. Another point: A workaround for NFS4 ACL implementations that do not support DESC_DACL_PROTECTED should not be done in filesystem specific modules but instead in the generic NFS4 code, so that all NFS4 implemenations can benefit from this. Another bad example, which did try to solve this also in a filesystem specific module only is vfs_zfsacl, they introduced "zfsacl:map_dacl_protected" which is also a bad idea, not only because it is not generic NFS4 code but also because it is making a (bad) guess only. For vfs_gpfs I would like to propose, that the code and the documentation for gpfs:refuse_dacl_protected should simply be removed now.
(In reply to Björn Jacke from comment #0) > For vfs_gpfs I would like to propose, that the code and the documentation for > gpfs:refuse_dacl_protected should simply be removed now. I agree that this is outdated. All supported GPFS versions these days do have support for storing this flag, so the Samba workaround can be removed. I can try to write a patch. If you have one already, i can also review that one.
(In reply to Christof Schmitt from comment #1) > I can try to write a patch. Here is my proposal:
This bug was referenced in samba master: 5c627988a268adc8da7b1c954f3706c5c878fd3b da663b5d4f16478973510d3b0016e41d642fa256
closing, will be fixed in 4.18.