After it is now possible to install printer drivers to a samba print server, I found out, that if I installed the driver which has " PackageAware=TRUE" in it's *.inf-File the driver is shown in Windows-printer management app as "packaged = no". If I install the same driver on a Windows-system it shown as "packaged = yes". A driver not packageaware can't be installed via GPO.
A few more hints: There are two files missing after uploading the driver: *inf *.cat the .inf-file is the configuration where the "PackageAware=yes" is in and the *.cat file is the package file. If I upload the driver to Windows-system, both files are there. Testing the driver with rpcclient is showing: root@fs-03:~# rpcclient fs-03 -k -c 'getdriver "HL3230" ' [Windows x64] Printer Driver Info 3: Version: [3] Driver Name: [Brother HL-L3230CDN series] Architecture: [Windows x64] Driver Path: [\\FS-03\print$\x64\3\BRPRC17A.DLL] Datafile: [\\FS-03\print$\x64\3\BRSHL3230CDN17A.DSI] Configfile: [\\FS-03\print$\x64\3\BRUIC17A.DLL] Helpfile: [\\FS-03\print$\x64\3\BROCH17A_en-GB.CHM] I expected as "Configfile" the path to the .inf-file and not to an .dll.
Hi Stefan, thank you for reporting. I think this is the same issue like described in Bug 12763: As far as I know MS-PAR is required for "package aware" print driver support - this will need some more work and will take some more time. Andreas, are you agree with this? If yes, you can mark this Bug as a duplicate of Best regards, Björn