I tried to transfer big files (more than 1Go) from a machine with windowsXPpro to a linux server running Samba. I did it over a 100M ethernet network. then i used md5sum to check the files : the files are different (but the size is the same) I tried again and again. same problem. it seems to happen especially when file size excess 100Mo in fact, I've never been able to transfer a 1.7Go file without corruption. usually, only a few bytes get corrupt but this is EXTREMELY harmful with .zip or .rar archives ! there is no problem with SCP or FTP. so, I think it is a problem in the transport protocol. isn't there some error detection algorythm in the SMB protocol?
sorry not a samba problem (was an ethernet problem)
Unfortunately,I have the same problem. WinXP+SP2 Samba-3.0.20 + FreeBSD6.2 When i copy some big files to the Samba, the file corrupted, the same size but different MD5