In a AD DC, I ran "configure" with the following line: ./configure --with-systemd --with-statedir=/usr/local/samba/var --with-privatedir=/usr/local/samba/var/private --with-logfilebase=/usr/local/samba/var/log --with-privileged-socket-dir=/usr/local/samba/var/lib It fails with the following message: Checking for lmdb >= 0.9.16 via header check : not found Samba AD DC and --enable-selftest requires lmdb 0.9.16 or later My configure command line does not contain the option "–enable-selftest". "../configure –help" gives the following output: --enable-selftest enable options necessary for selftest (default=no) If the default is "no" why is it behaving as if the option is enabled?
I think the log message needs to indicate that --without-ldb-lmdb is a way out, but you can't run selftest if you do that. It looks like the wording wasn't updated when the code requirements were.