Bug 13194 - Creating group with samba-tool should check that gidNumber is not too high
Summary: Creating group with samba-tool should check that gidNumber is not too high
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Samba 4.1 and newer
Classification: Unclassified
Component: AD: LDB/DSDB/SAMDB (show other bugs)
Version: 4.7.3
Hardware: All All
: P5 minor (vote)
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Andrew Bartlett
QA Contact: Samba QA Contact
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-12-19 12:16 UTC by Yvan Masson
Modified: 2017-12-19 12:16 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Yvan Masson 2017-12-19 12:16:52 UTC

Using Debian stable amd64 with samba 4.7 self-compiled, I noticed that we can get strange data in LDAP with "samba-tool group add" and a very high gidNumber:

# this is correct
# samba-tool group add group-test13 --gid-number=2000000000 --nis-domain=mydomain
Added group group-test13
# ldbsearch -H /usr/local/samba/private/sam.ldb CN="group-test13"
# gidNumber: 2000000000

# this is not correct
# samba-tool group add group-test14 --gid-number=3000000000 --nis-domain=mydomain
Added group group-test14
# ldbsearch -H /usr/local/samba/private/sam.ldb CN="group-test14"
gidNumber: -1294967296

I am probably using a GID that is way to high, but it would be nice if the tool could avoid getting strange values in LDAP. On the Microsoft side, it seems there is no theoretical limit: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms675718(v=vs.85).aspx
