It would be great to be able to modify the value of --bwlimit while rsync is already running. Perhaps with a signal sent to rsync? Other idea: --bwlimit-from-file=/tmp/bwlimitvalue.txt $ echo "200K" > /tmp/bwlimitvalue.txt
Hi Roland, thanks for your help. I looked at your solution: ---------------------------------------- export RSYNC_RSH="sh -c 'pv -qL10k | ssh \"\$@\" | (pv -qL11k; kill \$\$)' ssh" Of course using $$ was the lazy way out, should kill pv instead but how to obtain the pid in a oneliner? ---------------------------------------- Two remarks: (1) You can easily get the pids of pv with: pv --pidfile /tmp/foo; and then you will do: kill $(cat /tmp/foo). (2) The solution does not work well. If I start a transfer at low speed and I raise the speed (with pv -R [pid] -L [speed]), it works. But if a network transfer runs with high speeds and if I decrease the speed afterwards, I don't see any immediate effect. Sometimes I see it 20 minutes later... So I cannot regard this as a good solution; a "dynamic" --bwlimit option is needed.