The smb.conf man page describes the %D variable as "Name of the domain or workgroup of the current user." When used in smb.conf, though, it seems to be returning the NetBIOS name of the server. For instance, in a file share on a server with a NetBIOS name of NESSUS on the RINGWORLD workgroup: preexec = touch /tmp/%D After accessing the share from a remote system on the RINGWORLD workgroup (using smbclient or smbmount), a file called /tmp/NESSUS appears, whereas based on the smb.conf man page, I'd expect a file called /tmp/RINGWORLD (or perhaps /tmp/ringworld) to be present.
should be fixed in 3.0.3pre2 or later.
sorry for the same, cleaning up the database to prevent unecessary reopens of bugs.