he following configuration has been working OK with Samba 3.0.1 Mandrake 9.0 PDC. Redhat 7.3 BDC. (both with ldapsam passdb backend). Solaris 8 Memberserver. After upgrade from 3.0.1 to 3.0.3pre2, using exactly the same configuration and exactly the same smb.conf - you get the an error, when you try to add a user or group in the security settings of a file or directory through MS Explorer. The message text is 'Unable to lookup user names for display.' When you list users with wbinfo -u, only the usernames, not the domain part, is listed. In log.winbindd you get: [2004/04/14 13:24:46, 0] nsswitch/winbindd_sid.c:winbindd_lookupname(111) could not find domain entry for domain <server netbiosname>.
I'm pretty sure this is fixed in the latest 3.0 tree.
originally reported against 3.0.11pre2. Moving back to version to 3.0.10 to remove preX and rcX versions.
sorry for the same, cleaning up the database to prevent unecessary reopens of bugs.