hello, since the last update to samba 4.2.11 and kernel 3.18.47 i have a big problem with some chars in file- und directory-names. before i update the system, this named are substituted to uniq char-sequence, afer the update, i must first rename this on the linux-system, before i can access it from windows. sample name: dirü goodby
here is too few information but this also looks like a configuration problem and not a generic bug. I suggest you collect more information and consult the samba mailing list.
Created attachment 12993 [details] samba config
hello, i don't change the config, i have only updated my system with new kernel, libs and procs. such chars make problems since version 3.6.25, but in this version some chares are substituted and only some chars like ° or Ü make the directory invisible. because i can't permit this, i make links to this dirs, to access them over the network. but with the new version the directories, which are displayed with the last installed version of samba are invisible with the new version. with the old version (i don't remember which version it was), this diretories are displayed with substituted chars or with a random char-sequence as name. most time i don't need the original names of the directory, because i only want copy the files and i have renamed this files with an own program to remove all chars which make problems. yet i must move them first to an other directory before i can copy the files. goodby