When doing opens with backup intent, or as root, smbd can change directories within the exported share path. The code in vfs_fruit does not cope well with this. Under investigation. Jeremy.
Jeremy, will look into this as soon as possible, bt it might be Friday before I get to this. sorry! So I can reproduce the issue by running make tests TESTS=vfs.fruit with the patches that change directory ?
Yes. I was planning to fix it also but I might not get to this before I have to get on a plane to FOSDEM on thursday Feb 2nd. I just needed this bug to keep track of the issue.
Turns out the problem is in vfs_streams_xattr which is used by vfs_fruit, not in vfs_fruit (or at least *this* specific problem isn't vfs_fruit related :-). Patch to follow.
Created attachment 12897 [details] git-am fix for master.
Created attachment 12898 [details] git-am fix for 4.6.next, 4.5.next, 4.4.next. Cherry-pick from master - commit message contains cherry-pick info. Applies cleanly to 4.6.next, 4.5.next, 4.4.next.
Reassigning to Karolin for inclusion in 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6.
(In reply to Ralph Böhme from comment #6) Pushed to autobuild-v4-{6,5,4}-test.
(In reply to Karolin Seeger from comment #7) Pushed to all branches. Closing out bug report. Thanks!