According to the man page "The masks specified to the mget and mput commands act as filters for directories rather than files when recursion is toggled ON. The mask specified with the mask command is necessary to filter files within those directories. For example, if the mask specified in an mget command is "source*" and the mask specified with the mask command is "*.c" and recursion is toggled ON, the mget command will retrieve all files matching "*.c" in all directories below and including all directories matching "source*" in the current working directory. " However, looks like mask command is not filtering the files: $ /opt/datareturn/samba/bin/smbclient -V Version 3.0.2a $ cd /tmp $ pwd /tmp $ ls -lR tst* tst1: total 32 -rw-r--r-- 1 ruslan other 29 Apr 6 16:57 1.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 ruslan other 29 Apr 6 16:57 1.zg tst2: total 32 -rw-r--r-- 1 ruslan other 29 Apr 6 16:57 2.gz -rw-r--r-- 1 ruslan other 29 Apr 6 16:58 2.zg $ /opt/datareturn/samba/bin/smbclient '//' -U ruslan%password Domain=[GONDOR] OS=[Windows 5.0] Server=[Windows 2000 LAN Manager] smb: \> recurse on smb: \> mask *gz smb: \> mput tst* Put directory tst2? y Put file tst2/2.zg? n Put file tst2/2.gz? n Put directory tst1? y Put file tst1/1.zg? n Put file tst1/1.gz? n smb: \> quit As you can see, mput picks up not only *gz files, but *zg also. I've tried the same commands on RedHat Linux running 2.2.7 and got the same problems. Thanks!
database cleanup
please reopen if the bug still exists in a current release.