After installation of Samba-3.0.3pre1. The winbind will not start. I have attached the screen dump below. We are running on a Fedora Core 1 with kernel-2.6.4-1.302. We have joined the samba server to a native windows 2000 domain with acl/ea support. It work fine on the 3.0.2a release. [root@cc1017 tmp]# /sbin/service smb restart Shutting down SMB services: OK ] Shutting down NMB services: OK ] Starting SMB services: OK ] Starting NMB services: OK ] [root@cc1017 tmp]# /sbin/service winbindd restart winbindd: unrecognized service [root@cc1017 tmp]# /sbin/service winbind restart /etc/init.d/winbind: line 55: syntax error near unexpected token `&&' /etc/init.d/winbind: line 55: ` && && rm -f /var/run/ \ '
I have dowloaded the samba-3.0.3pre2. But the winbind can not start. Plz refer to the screen dump below. We are running on a Fedora Core 1 with kernel 2.6.5-1.308.i686. The samba server (3.0.2a) was joined to a natice ADS Domain with ACL/EA support. *** Screen Dump start **** [root@cc1017 tmp]# /sbin/service smb restart Shutting down SMB services: OK ] Shutting down NMB services: OK ] Starting SMB services: OK ] Starting NMB services: OK ] [root@cc1017 tmp]# /sbin/service winbind restart /etc/init.d/winbind: line 55: syntax error near unexpected token `&&' /etc/init.d/winbind: line 55: ` && && rm -f /var/run/ \ ' [root@cc1017 tmp]# /sbin/service winbind stop /etc/init.d/winbind: line 55: syntax error near unexpected token `&&' /etc/init.d/winbind: line 55: ` && && rm -f /var/run/ \ '
should be fixed for upcoming 3.0.3rc1
After installation of Samba-3.0.3rc1. The winbind still will not start. I have attached the screen dump below. We are running on a Fedora Core 1 with kernel-2.6.4-1.322. We have joined the samba server to a native windows 2000 domain with acl/ea support. It work fine on the 3.0.2a release. *** Screen Dump Start **** [root@cc1017 samba]# rpm -qa samba* samba-client-3.0.3rc1-1 samba-3.0.3rc1-1 samba-swat-3.0.3rc1-1 samba-common-3.0.3rc1-1 [root@cc1017 samba]# /sbin/service smb restart Shutting down SMB services: OK ] Shutting down NMB services: OK ] Starting SMB services: OK ] Starting NMB services: OK ] [root@cc1017 samba]# /sbin/service winbind restart /etc/init.d/winbind: line 56: syntax error near unexpected token `&&' /etc/init.d/winbind: line 56: ` && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/winbindd' [root@cc1017 samba]# *** Screen Dump Stop ***
I downloaded the samba-3.0.3-1 and test on our Fedora Core 1 with kernel-2.6.5- 339.i686 with Windows 2003 ADS/ACL/EA support. This problem is fixed. It is a very good product.
Thanks for the update.
originally reported against 3.0.3pre1. Moving back to version to 3.0.2a to remove preX and rcX versions.
originally reported against 3.0.3pre2. Moving back to version to 3.0.2a to remove preX and rcX versions.
sorry for the same, cleaning up the database to prevent unecessary reopens of bugs.
database cleanup