Reproduction: start samba, and then shut it down, you will see a bunch of files are left behind under private/msg.sock and var/lock/msg.lock. I've reproduced it on a illumos/opensolaris platform, haven't tried on Linux.
Hello! Samba has provisions to clean up both directories regularly. Is it a major problem for you that we leave sfome files behind? Will they pile up indefinitely, or are they disappearing again when you restart Samba and what a while? If it is a major showstopper for you, can you try to find out which daemons leave something behind? With best regards, Volker Lendecke ... who feels shitty having changed messaging at all. Sockets seemed to be a good idea, but they are just not reliable enough for production.
Thanks Volker. It's not a blocker for us, I just feel the cleanup is not working properly. It seems the number of files piles up, and won't go away even after shutting down Samba. I will try to figure out which daemon leaves those files behind when I get a chance.
(In reply to Volker Lendecke from comment #1) > ... who feels shitty having changed messaging at all. Sockets seemed to be a > good idea, but they are just not reliable enough for production. Nah, don't feel bad. We can't go back to tdb messaging. Making all the code signal-safe is a harder task than fixing socket issues, and I'm not sure we ever had it right. Files left behind is a very minor issue compared with sig-safe code issues :-).
Hello, i got this same issue only using smbclient on a proxmox PVE6.1 node (debian buster, samba-common 2:4.9.5+dfsg-5+deb10u1 ). Each time proxmox pvestatd service call smbclient, a file and a socket remain on both folder, after 1 month more than 300.000 files has been created and has never been cleaned, no samba service is running on the host to do that in background. I dont really understand why smbclient is not cleaning file and socket in /var/run/samba/msg.lock/ and ./var/lib/samba/private/msg.sock. Proxmox bug : Here the command executed every 10 seconds by proxmox's pvestatd service : /usr/bin/smbclient //remote.samba.server/samba-mountpoint -d 0 -m smb3 -U samba-username -A /etc/pve/priv/bpc.cred -c "echo 1 0" Packages installed on proxmox node : dpkg -l |grep samba ii samba-common 2:4.9.5+dfsg-5+deb10u1 all common files used by both the Samba server and client ii samba-libs:amd64 2:4.9.5+dfsg-5+deb10u1 amd64 Samba core libraries
I'm running 3x Samba AD DCs on Ubuntu 22.04, v4.15.13+dfsg-0ubuntu1, and all of them are exhibiting this problem of the files not being cleaned up. The solution is I run a cron job on each of them, once a day, but stagger them so they each execute with 1hr gap between them. The cron runs this as root: sudo service samba-ad-dc stop && sudo rm -fv /run/samba/msg.lock/* && sudo service samba-ad-dc start This is my current temporary work-around, but honestly this really needs to get fixed. What's going on here?
Any chance we can get this tied to some sort of milestone? I still have to use a daily cron work-around to clean these up on all of my AD DCs and I'd rather this already clean itself up. I know it will take time before the fix hits my repos and all that but adding it to a milestone or something like that will move this forward, and to date I'm not really seeing this topic moving forward at all. Please? :)
(In reply to bloodyiron from comment #6) What is the samba version of these AD DC, Bug 15284 & Bug 15282 address msg.sock/msg.lock left behind issue in some cases, not sure whether address this AD DC case too, perhaps pick one AD DC and upgrade to latest samba version to see if it works :)
(In reply to Jones Syue from comment #7) Declared in comment #5, if you need me to clarify on a particular area please let me know. ;P
(In reply to bloodyiron from comment #8) Sorry for my blunt :) samba-4.15.13 looks like not including Bug 15284 & Bug 15282, which address msg.sock/msg.lock left behind issue in some case, not sure whether address this AD DC case too, perhaps pick one AD DC and upgrade to latest samba version like: samba-4.18.10, samba-4.19.6, or samba-4.20.1, to see if it works: msg.lock/* files are cleaned up automatically.