Setting an alternate location, via the -s command line option or via the SMB_CONF_PATH environment variable, does not work - the program always loads smb.conf from the location set at build time. For Samba development purposes, this may cause "make test" to fail since the selftest suite tries to create an isolated environment, and this bug causes smbcquotas to peek outside the env.
Created attachment 12550 [details] git-am fix for and A blackbox test that uses smbcquotas has been added in 4.4 release, therefore this fix needs to be backported to 4.4 and 4.5 in order to prevent selftest failures on those branches.
Re-assigning to Karolin for inclusion in,
(In reply to Jeremy Allison from comment #2) Pushed to autobuild-v4-{5,4}-test.
(In reply to Karolin Seeger from comment #3) Pushed to both branches. Closing out bug report. Thanks!