Hi, I am evaluating samba 4 and I hace tried to create a neu samba domain and also simulate a samba 3 migration to samba 4, in both cases I hace detectes that cifs resources to dc, for example netlogon, are not working if are called by ip, by name are working without problems. I have made all dns test and other tests decribed in https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Setup_a_Samba_Active_Directory_Domain_Controller#Testing_DNS with success We use dns bind_dlz, all is working correct, join windows machine, assign permissions to users, change pwd... only problems detectes is this, Tried with upgraded domain (samba 3) and also with new domain with bind9 dlz and also with internal DNS Reproduced error with internal dns and bind_dlz, on both situations with a new provisioned domain any error is printed in logs... where is the problem? thanks
with # samba-tool ntacl sysvolreset seems that now works Thanks