It appears there is case-sensitivity when it comes to attribute names. This recipe reproduces the problem, on Debian Jessie's Samba 4.1.17. All the following LDIF are applied using: ldbmodify -v -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb 1) Create a new attribute, using an uppercase first letter: dn: CN=UpperCaseAttribute,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,dc=your,dc=domain changeType: add objectClass: top objectClass: attributeSchema attributeID: cn: UpperCaseAttribute name: UpperCaseAttribute lDAPDisplayName: UpperCaseAttribute attributeSyntax: oMSyntax: 64 isSingleValued: TRUE 2) Hook that attribute into a new classSchema, referring to this new attribute using a lowercase first letter; no error: dn: CN=SomeRandomClass,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,dc=your,dc=domain changeType: add objectClass: top objectClass: classSchema governsID: cn: SomeRandomClass name: SomeRandomClass lDAPDisplayName: SomeRandomClass objectClassCategory: 3 mustContain: cn mayContain: upperCaseAttribute defaultObjectCategory: CN=SomeRandomClass,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,dc=your,dc=domain 3) Create a container for a new entry: dn: ou=TestContainer,dc=your,dc=domain changetype: add objectClass: top objectClass: organizationalUnit ou: TestContainer 4) Try to add a new object of type SomeRandomClass, adding person as objectClass to get a structural: dn: cn=TestRandomObject,ou=TestContainer,dc=your,dc=domain changetype: add objectClass: top objectClass: person objectClass: SomeRandomClass2 cn: TestRandomObject upperCaseAttribute: MyValue This last step *fails*, with: ERR: (Object class violation) "objectclass_attrs: attribute 'UpperCaseAttribute' on entry 'CN=TestRandomObject,OU=TestContainer,DC=example,DC=com' does not exist in the specified objectclasses!" on DN cn=TestRandomObject,ou=TestContainer,dc=example,dc=com Note that the error message has the right spelling! Retrying the same recipe, using 'upperCaseAttribute' throughout, does not cause any error. As far as I know, in the above, there should be no case-sensitivity. Discovered while trying to import a mixed-case schema modifications LDIF that worked well under the official AD implementation. Another related issue I hit is bug #10094 - I needed to split the schema modification recipe in multiple LDIF files.