Hi, this is my first bug report, so I'm not quite sure whether I'm right here. My samba version is samba-3.6.3-0.58.1 with SLES 11 so less then 4.0. But the behaviour might still be the same. At least I couldn't find a matching bug report or fix. We mount a windows share with mount -t cifs -o user=...,password=... <server>:<share> /tmp/demo Commands on linux side: cd /tmp/demo/ mkdir dir-test ls > file-test mv file-test dir-test On windows side, e.g. the explorer, move file "file-test" up to directory "demo". On linux side again: "ls -l" shows "file-test" und "dir-test" as expected. "ls -l dir-test" shown an empty directory also as expected. But this is the unexpected and unwanted behaviour (or am I wrong?): "mv file-test dir-test" leads to error message "mv: `file-test' and `dir-test' are the same file" and no movement at all.
Sorry, I put the wrong error message at the end of the description. Correct is: "mv: 'file-test' and 'dir-test/file-test' are the same file" and no movement at all.
Please try and reproduce against the latest version of Samba (4.3.x). 3.6.x is not maintained by the Samba Team anymore.