Package: rsync 3.1.1-4 Architecture: x86_64 GNU/Linux What it isn't doing: When trying to sync two mounted identical structured folders on two hosts using rsync -vhtru "/path/folder" "user@" works as expected but rsync -vhtru "/path/folder/" "user@" dump copies everything - even with -u and --size-only given! What it should be doing: According to man pages rsync -av /src/foo /dest and rsync -av /src/foo/ /dest/foo should do the same
I know of no such bug. I would suggest that you use the options --dry-run (-n) along with --itemize (-i) to see what is going on in your copying (e.g. if everything is copied as new files due to a path mismatch). Also, feel free to ask questions on the mailing list if you need assistance.