Solaris 8 Studio 11 Compiler Suite Mild problems encountered during 'configure': CC=cc CFLAGS="-xO5 -xdepend" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib -R/usr/local/lib -lresolv" CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" STRIP=echo configure -v --prefix=/opt/ ${PWD##*/} Configure script concludes that the '-fstack-protector' option is valid. The compiler complains with a "Warning" message but return status is "0". When checking options, inclusion of the '-errwarn' option would be nice. A similar problem when checking the '-errwarn=%all" option. The compiler accepts the '-errwarn=%all' option but issues "warning: empty translation unit" which in turn causes a non-zero return status because of the '-errwarn'. And around in circles we will go. -- Thanks, -- Paul Townsend
That summary message should probably have read "pre-compilation configuration'. -- PGT
the errwarn compileer flag is being checked since quite a while already