The -H or --hosts= option to load the lmhosts file corrupts the passed-in file path. If the -H option is used bare, the default value of the setting works.
Created attachment 396 [details] Patch which fixes the bug. This patch fixes the bug being described.
The command line which didn't work, and then worked after the fix was: nmbd -s /etc/smb.conf.nmbd -H /usr/local/samba/lib/lmhosts During debugging, the path name appeared OK at the top of main, but was corrupted right after processing arguments. Then it appeared like: "wX\032\b/local/samba/lib/lmhosts"
moving to 3.0
resetting component
Amazing how long we can let legitimate patches sit in bugzilla. Sad really. Checked in for 3.0.21b.