Hi, I found that if I have a share with non-ASCII characters (for example - Russian), when I browsing the share list from the Windows 7, it will be showed in the wrong case. For example: If I define a share named "БДжй" (Russian characters, 'Б' and 'Д' are uppercase, 'ж' and 'й' are lowercase.) It looks like this in the smb.conf: [БДжй] path = .... ... But when I browse the share name from Windows 7, the name becomes "бджй" (which are all lowercase). I also found some strange behaviors: 1. If I add some lowercase ASCII characters to the share name, the name will be showed in the right case. (For example, I change the name to become "БДжйdd", what I saw in the Windows is exactly "БДжйdd".) 2. But If I add some uppercase ASCII characters to the share name, even the ASCII characters will be transformed to wrong case. (For example, I change the name to become "БДжйDD", what I saw in the Windows is "бджйdd".) --- My system information: Samba service is provided at a Linux 3.7.9 system. Samba package is build by myself (3.6.22). Samba client is from a Windows 7 PC.
Forget to say, the non-ASCII characters are UTF8 characters.