Overview: I have migrated WINNT 4 Domain -> Win2000 AD and recently -> Windows 2003 AD -> Samba 4.0.6 -> Samba 4.1.rc2. Unfortunately Samba regularly crashes, and I'm trying to find reasons. Steps to reproduce: One case, when Samba always crashed was: * open ADUC from Windows 2003 Server * connect to Samba4 DC * open one known user "Properties" * open "Terminal Services Profile" * Then I got something like "remote RPC unavailable" (don't remember exactly) and Samba4 crashes with error mesage: *** glibc detected *** /usr/local/samba/sbin/samba: corrupted double-linked list: 0x00007f475de505f0 *** After that I removed completely the userParameters field with "ldbedit" for this user, restarted Samba and now I can open "Terminal services Profile" tab for this user without any trouble. The userParameters field, which caused the crash, for this user was (acquired with ldbsearch -H sam.ldb userParameters): userParameters:: ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgI CAgUBAaCAFDdHhDZmdQcmVzZW5045S15pSx5oiw44GiGAgBQ3R4Q2ZnRmxhZ3Mx44Cw44Gm46Cy44 C5FggBQ3R4Q2FsbGJhY2vjgLDjgLDjgLDjgLASCAFDdHhTaGFkb3fjhLDjgLDjgLDjgLAoCAFDdHh NYXhDb25uZWN0aW9uVGltZeOAsOOAsOOAsOOAsC4IAUN0eE1heERpc2Nvbm5lY3Rpb25UaW1l44Cw 44Cw44Cw44CwHAgBQ3R4TWF4SWRsZVRpbWXjgLDjgLDjgLDjgLAiCAFDdHhLZXlib2FyZExheW91d OOAsOOAsOOAsOOAsCoCAUN0eE1pbkVuY3J5cHRpb25MZXZlbOOEsCACAUN0eFdvcmtEaXJlY3Rvcn njgLAgAgFDdHhOV0xvZ29uU2VydmVy44CwGAIBQ3R4V0ZIb21lRGly44CwIgIBQ3R4V0ZIb21lRGl yRHJpdmXjgLAgNAFDdHhXRlByb2ZpbGVQYXRo5oy15oy145y346S25pS245C345S244i344yz5oy1 44i35pi244S25pC246S25pS245y25oy144S245y25pS245S244y345S245C244CwIgIBQ3R4SW5pd GlhbFByb2dyYW3jgLAiAgFDdHhDYWxsYmFja051bWJlcuOAsOOAsOOAsOOctOaEs+OAsExvZ29uU2 VydmVy44Cw44Cw45y05oSz44Cw Build Date & Platform: Version 4.1.0rc2 cat /etc/lsb-release DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=12.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=precise DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS"
If you can get us a stacktrace (normally samba prints one in the logs when it crashes), then it should be relatively simple to find where we are corrupting glibc's stack.
Created attachment 9199 [details] excerpt from log.samba
After manually removing all userParameters entries, samba process does'nt crashes anymore. Closed bug because is will be hard to reproduce initial Windows DC environment to see what values exactly contains this attribute.
We do want to fix this and are working to improve handling in this area, by treating this as binary, not as a string. We also want to find the cause of the crash, as it implies other non-string data could cause issues as well.
Created attachment 9983 [details] Patch for ldb_val to lsa_BinaryString conversation Does the attached patch fix this issue?
Created attachment 10091 [details] Temporary patches for v4-1-test Once I got the master for through autobuild, I can upload the patches with cherry-pick -x information, but the content will be the same so this can be reviewed now.
Comment on attachment 10091 [details] Temporary patches for v4-1-test (make sure to grab from my patches replied to the list, with the userParameter -> userParameters typo fix)
Created attachment 10096 [details] Patches for v4-1-test The same as the temporary patches with cherry-pick information
(In reply to comment #8) > Created attachment 10096 [details] > Patches for v4-1-test > > The same as the temporary patches with cherry-pick information Pushed to autobuild-v4-1-test.
(In reply to comment #9) > (In reply to comment #8) > > Created attachment 10096 [details] [details] > > Patches for v4-1-test > > > > The same as the temporary patches with cherry-pick information > > Pushed to autobuild-v4-1-test. Pushed to v4-1-test. Closing out bug report. Thanks!
Hi Stefan, We are tying to migrate samba 3 to samba 4 AD (4.4.5) and we detected that with latest version of samba 4 error persist, trying to modify userParameters attribute in ldap with new LDAPModification(LDAPModification.REPLACE, new LDAPAttribute("userParameters", userEntry.getAttribute("userParameters").getByteValue())) we receive this error: LDAPException: Violación Del Constreñimiento (19) Violación Del Constreñimiento LDAPException: Server Message: 0000202F: samldb: setting userParameters is not supported over LDAP, see https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8077 at ../source4/dsdb/samdb/ldb_modules/samldb.c:3104 We need to update this attribute because with samba 3 we have data and we need to migrate to keep same features. Can you solve for samba 4.4? thanks