Bug 10031 - rsync daemon should do forward lookups of allowed hostnames
Summary: rsync daemon should do forward lookups of allowed hostnames
Alias: None
Product: rsync
Classification: Unclassified
Component: core (show other bugs)
Version: 3.0.8
Hardware: All All
: P5 normal (vote)
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Wayne Davison
QA Contact: Rsync QA Contact
Depends on:
Reported: 2013-07-17 19:44 UTC by Jamie Zawinski
Modified: 2013-10-27 17:20 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Jamie Zawinski 2013-07-17 19:44:20 UTC
rsyncd matches host names in the "hosts allow" line of rsyncd.conf with reverse lookups only. This fails when you don't have control over reverse DNS, which is common these days.

To save me from having to type IP addresses instead of host names into my config file, please make it do forward lookups instead (or, in addition).  Call gethostbyname on the items in "hosts allow" and compare those IPs against the incoming IP.

Comment 1 Wayne Davison 2013-10-27 17:20:53 UTC
[Are insults really necessary?]

From the rsync 3.1.0 manual:

forward lookup

Controls whether the daemon performs a forward lookup on any hostname specified in an hosts allow/deny setting.  By default this is enabled, allowing the use of an explicit hostname that would not be returned by reverse DNS of the connecting IP.