SIDS are displayed rather than user or group names when selecting Properties->Security in the context menu for a file or folder. This is reproducible for two machines both running Samba 3.0 on Debian woody and from about half a dozen w2k clients. Best regards Andree
Created attachment 261 [details] smb.conf for one of the machines I attach an smb.conf file to start with. Please, let me know if you need any other information like logs etc. Cheers Andree
then don't set it :-) I've already removed this parameter from cvs about 24 hours ago. It will not exist in 3.0.1.
Fair enough. By some strange coincidence that's exactly what I had decided already. ;-) I just thought I report it because it's a bug... Cheers Andree
Thanks. Actually 'hide local users' is an artifact from long ago and not really needed any more. I've been wanted to remove it for some time.
database cleanup