currently S4 seems to be missing a few rfc2307 objectclasses and attributes. especially NisDomainObject and NisDomain. I assume having these available and set in the DIT enables the possibility to enter Unix account data using the Windows AD admin tools (there you can only enter uidNumber, GID, homeDirectory etc when the NisDomain is set).
We support this was the Windows Server 2008R2 schema provides.
Double checked against my Windows Server VM. Also there are these object classes per default missing. I imagine that they are added to the schema when you set up the UNIX domain services for Windows. If you would like to have them in the s4 schema as well I invite you to provide an LDIF file with the definitions of them (we help you to write it if you are stuck) which can be applied after the s4 provision process. It should be located under "setup". You can also provide us a python script which does the apply operation against the local s4 DC in a comfortable manner (shouldn't be too hard to program). Marking this as "Feature request" since it's not a real bug.
i too checked again :-) the ms ad schema provides a number of attributes/objectclasses also available in rfc2307bis. (looking at the docs in the source tree). from that it should support nisdomainObject objectclass and nisdomain attribute. the latter is missing in the s4 schema it seems. i'm working on the ldif. the automount stuff is not in the ms ad schema, so i prepare a ldif for them.
i have to correct myself the nisDomain attribute is already there as msSFU30nisDomain. The nisDomainObject objectclass is missing. The MS AD schema only implentents a subset of the rfc2307 attributes and objectclasses. But that I can circumvent using a local mapping. I'm working on the ldif for the automount objectclasses right now.
Created attachment 5620 [details] ldif for automount schema
Created attachment 5621 [details] create auto_master map in ldap
Created attachment 5622 [details] fill auto_master map with an entry
the schema definition works fine on my setup. creating and filling the maps doesn't work using ldapadd though. I get a naming violation. however ldbmodify works and the data is provided to the clients correctly.
(In reply to comment #5) > Created an attachment (id=5620) [details] > ldif for automount schema > My comment: basically okay, but omit the "name" and the "schemaIdGuid" attribute (they're autogenerated on the schema add process). I would also like to hear abartlet's opinion about adding the LDIFs into the "setup" directory or somewhere else.
Andrew, should we accept these automount schema patches? (I mean as an extension)
abartlet, could you comment here?
Well, we don't get any response from abartlet - so I close this bug with "WONTFIX". Please don't understand me wrong, but I need to close old bugs since otherwise we get here fully out of order. But If you (Bernd) still would really like to get these patches into the distribution then please write to the samba-technical mailing list.