Hi, I can't access a file via shortname from Windows XP P:\>dir /X Datenträger in Laufwerk P: ist suomi Volumeseriennummer: 0854-04DD Verzeichnis von P:\ 03.03.2010 10:23 <DIR> . 19.08.2009 14:10 <DIR> .. 09.03.2010 16:16 13 N12E97~C.TXT name.with.dots.txt 03.03.2010 10:23 6 owner 20.04.2009 10:25 <DIR> PJQWT0~M public_html 2 Datei(en) 19 Bytes 3 Verzeichnis(se), 86.176.780.288 Bytes frei P:\>more name.with.dots.txt hello world P:\>more N12E97~C.TXT Auf die Datei P:\N12E97~C.TXT kann nicht zugegriffen werden.
Created attachment 5476 [details] Dump of network traffic while reproducing the problem
Created attachment 5477 [details] Log of samba while reproducing this bug
I can't reproduce this with 3.5.1, so it looks like something we've fixed. Can you upgrade please ? Jeremy.
Works fine here also with both master and 3.4.3. We need more information on this bug: Please post your smb.conf and the full debug level 10 log, also containing the listing. In the one you posted I only see the calls to "more", not the "dir/x". Closing as WORKSFORME, please re-open when the information is available. Volker