Let we have remote machine with some shares.Let mount share pub(guest okm security=share) to mountpoint mnt in user's homedir.Than watch mount's anton@vocord anton $ smbmount //myst/pub mnt Password: anton@vocord anton $ mount [skipped local filesystems] //myst/pub on /home/anton/mnt type smbfs (0) anton@vocord anton $ Then mount another share (doesn't matter what) to the same mountpoint. anton@vocord anton $ smbmount //myst/pub mnt Password: anton@vocord anton $ mount [skipped local filesystems] //myst/pub on /home/anton/mnt type smbfs (0) //myst/pub on /home/anton/mnt type smbfs (0) anton@vocord anton $ After that smbumount our mountpoint (mind, that it was empty before mounting shares) anton@vocord anton $ smbumount mnt anton@vocord anton $ mount [skipped local filesystems] anton@vocord anton $ Wow! There's no mounted shares, but if we do cd mnt, ls we will see mounted share: anton@vocord anton $ cd mnt anton@vocord mnt $ ls 1.avi Linux'а prodigy90_med.mpg And we can smbumount another time this mountpoint correctly: anton@vocord anton $ smbumount mnt anton@vocord anton $ cd mnt anton@vocord mnt $ ls anton@vocord mnt $ Mind that if umount (instead of smbumount) is used (it doesn't matter whether we use smbmount or mount -t smbfs) then everything is fine.
Sorry, but the 2.2 is not under development any longer. If you can reproduce this bug against the latest 3.0 release, please reopen this bug and change the version in the report. Thanks.
database cleanup