After "net sam vampire", BUILTIN groups do not work. They cannnot be seen by User Manager. ----- # /usr/local/samba/bin/net rpc group members administrators -U root%password Couldn't list alias members ----- P.S. (1) These errors are shown during "net sam vampire" ----- Creating account: NT40WS1$^ usermod: user NT40WS1_ does not exist [2009/05/09 02:59:58, 0] groupdb/mapping.c:smb_set_primary_group(312) smb_set_primary_group: Running the command `usermod -g 'Domain Users' 'NT40WS1 _'' gave 6 ----- (2) If I click a (normal) Local group, the message which means "The databse is corrupted" is displayed.
Created attachment 4134 [details] Level 10 log (compressed) Level 10 log when running "net group member administrators" at 3:03:26 - 39
Created attachment 4135 [details] Log for "net samdump" and "net vampire "
I didn't test this but this is a minor issue and "net sam vampire" for NT4 domain migrations will not be fixed in this regard