Bug 6164 - vfs_zfs incorrectly interprets acls
Summary: vfs_zfs incorrectly interprets acls
Alias: None
Product: Samba 3.3
Classification: Unclassified
Component: VFS Modules (show other bugs)
Version: 3.3.1
Hardware: Other Other
: P3 normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Samba Bugzilla Account
QA Contact: Samba QA Contact
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Reported: 2009-03-05 12:00 UTC by mchugh19@yahoo.com
Modified: 2009-03-05 12:33 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description mchugh19@yahoo.com 2009-03-05 12:00:29 UTC
If "create files/write data" is selected via the windows security advanced tab, the zfs vfs module allows deletion.

Here are the permissions with some read attributes checked:
root@rieekan:/raid/dropbox$ ls -ldV .
dr-xr-xr-x+  2 root     10000          2 Mar  5 10:41 .

If "Create files/write data" is selected then "w" is added:
drwxrwxrwx+  2 root     10000          2 Mar  5 10:41 .

Here are the permissions with read as well as delete subfolders and files:
root@rieekan:/raid/dropbox$ ls -ldV .
dr-xr-xr-x+  2 root     10000          2 Mar  5 10:41 .

Basically, the "w" permission is allowing file/folder deletion, but this should be set by the "D" permission of allowing deletes.
Comment 1 Jeremy Allison 2009-03-05 12:08:26 UTC
Are you talking about setting the "w" bit on a directory, or on a file here. If it's on a directory then setting "w" allows deletes of the directory contents (from POSIX).

The acl module only maps the ACLs, it's still the underlying OS that allows the deletion or not, and due to POSIX permissions whoever has "w" permissions on a directory can delete the contents.

If I'm not understanding what the problem is here please clarify for me. I want the ZFS/NFS4 ACLs to map as correctly as possible.


Comment 2 mchugh19@yahoo.com 2009-03-05 12:25:20 UTC
Yep you are right. Sorry for the noise. It seems that "w" on a directory still allows deletion of files inside the directory, even though d and D seem to exist for exactly that purpose. Since ZFS is still attempting to make the native nfsv4 acl model work with a posix os, I guess I'll have to learn a bit more about how this all works.
Comment 3 Jeremy Allison 2009-03-05 12:33:04 UTC
If you add an explicit "deny" delete ACE entry on the directory ACL, this should override the delete permission for that user and Samba should show that.