Dear all, Passing from samba 4.17 to 4.18 we noticed a change in behaviour in folder/files listing. In 4.17 when someone had read and open rights for a folder but no write/modify access then the folder would be visible but clicking on any "non-accessible" resource resulted in a message notifying that no access was granted. This not the case anymore, folders without access do not appear at all and we would like to have the previous behaviour back as staff members that need access to folders now cannot even see the names and send a request to grant it as our process till now was. In order to give a quick overview of our setup: We have samba ADs connected to separate CTDB cluster with nodes that mount a glusterfs volume formed by a set of bricks. We use windows AD manager to set permissions/inheritance etc. on files and dirs. All setups are equipped with samba 4.18.10 in this moment (sernet-samba repo packages). Gluster client and server are at v10.5 (gluster repo). OS is everywhere Debian, v11. vfs objects is set to acl_xattr in global settings. What we tried with no success: putting access based share enum = no, hide unreadable = no both had no effect. As I am not sure of which further information about the current setup may help investigating this, I would be glad to have any feedback and supply those. Will be glad to send any further information that can help investigating this. Best regards Ilias