I am using a Samba 3.0.4-1.27 on a SuSe 9.1 to share files on the network for several Windows boxen (Win98, Win2k). Everything else works just fine, but: I wanted to use the "mangeld map" option, but it doesn't seem to work correctly (or different?) with this version of samba (this option works properly with a samba 2.0.3 on a HP-UX 10.20): I use mangled map = (*.txt *.tst) (just an example) and the *.txt files appear as *.tst on my windows box, but when I try to open the file I get the error message: "The file /M:/test.tst cannot be found. Please check the location and try again." This problem appears on different Windows Clients (Win2k & Win98) If I delete the mangled map option, Windows shows the file "test.txt" an I can access it. Greetings Michael
The same error occurs with different versions of samba server (3.04, 3.05) and with different samba clients. I tried a samba3-client (3.0.5-1) on a SuSe 9.0 and I can't open a file with a mangled filename (via mangled map), too. -> The bug is not related to the OS of the samba client
I'd like to raise the priority on this one, since this feature seems to be widely documented but almost never used. I can't find anyone else on the web who's using it. For me, it's broken in the same way with samba-2.2.7a-7.9.0 and samba-3.0.6-1: I have to set mangled names = no in order to see any effect at all, and then the filenames show up beautifully translated in directory listings but I can't open them at all from a Windows XP Pro client. My translations are: mangled map = (*"* *''*) (*?* *&*) Has anyone really tested this feature? Dave Abrahams dave@boost-consulting.com
I found the same problem at Samba 3.0.10. This bug occurs because reversible mapping is not done. When a .tst file is accessed from Windows client, Samba should map it to .txt file, but currently Samba does not do anything.
mangled map should be depreacted I think. It has been suffereing from bit rot for a while. This will be a no fix I'm pretty sure. I'll talk to jeremy about it first.
deprecated parameter