I encountered the following build failure on Solaris 2.6 with the Sun C compiler: ... Compiling libads/kerberos.c with -KPIC Compiling libads/ads_status.c with -KPIC Linking nsswitch/libnss_wins.so cc: Warning: multiple use of -Q option, previous one discarded. ld: fatal: file dynconfig.po.o: open failed: No such file or directory ld: fatal: file lib/version.po.o: open failed: No such file or directory ld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to nsswitch/libnss_wins.so gmake: *** [nsswitch/libnss_wins.so] Error 1 I configured Samba as follows: $ ./configure CC=cc CFLAGS=-mr -Qn -xO2 -xtarget=generic LDFLAGS=-L/opt/TWWfsw /openldap2127/lib/nossl -R/opt/TWWfsw/openldap2127/lib/nossl CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/TW Wfsw/openldap2127/include --enable-shared --enable-static --without-pam --locals tatedir=/var/opt/TWWfsw/samba305 --with-lockdir=/var/opt/TWWfsw/samba305/locks - -with-piddir=/var/opt/TWWfsw/samba305/run --with-logfilebase=/var/opt/TWWfsw/sam ba305/log --with-privatedir=/etc/opt/TWWfsw/samba305/private --with-configdir=/o pt/TWWfsw/samba305/etc --with-swatdir=/opt/TWWfsw/samba305/lib/swat --with-samba book=/opt/TWWfsw/samba305/doc/using-samba --with-readline=/opt/TWWfsw/readline43 s --with-included-popt --with-automount --with-ldap --with-manpages-langs=en --w ith-acl-support --with-smbwrapper --prefix=/opt/TWWfsw/samba305
please retest on 3.0.8pre2 and reopen if the bug still exists.
sorry for the same, cleaning up the database to prevent unecessary reopens of bugs.