smbclient servicename works great and I can ls any Arabic file names but smbclient -L <netbios name> doesn't display the Arabic shares folder names nor the Arabic comments on the English shares. To debug (per Alexander Bokovoy request): I am attaching the network trace of the session got with Ethereal and tcpdump(tcpdump -s 10000 -w trace-file.pcap) and my smb.conf file. The pdf attached shows my screen when $ testparm -v |grep charset gives dos charset = CP850 unix charset = UTF-8 display charset = LOCALE when I changed the dos charset to UTF-8 the Arabic letters appear as squares (I will attach another network trace if you asked for it) I will attach the samba log with log level 10 later.
Created attachment 502 [details] The smbclient -L //student204 output when dos charset = CP850
Created attachment 503 [details] The tcpdump output
Created attachment 513 [details] A tcpdump 'host and (port 137 or port 138 or port 139 or port 445)' The smb.conf file is set to dos charset = UTF-8 this time
Created attachment 514 [details] My smb.conf file
Created attachment 518 [details] The relevant log files compressed
Alexander, please tell me if you need any more info
No need for more info so far, thank you for all provided logs and snippets. I'll be able to look at those only starting next week or so, please wait until May, 28th.
Alexander, the date has passed ;) I hope you have done something.
In the command prompt (or MS-DOS prompt on Windows 9x/Me) on Windows client, please type a command ``chcp''. This command shows you a ``Code Page'' number. This is your best ``dos charset'' value. If chcp shows ``850'', your ``doc charset'' value is ``CP850''. By the way, what locale are you using on UNIX shell? If your locale setting is wrong, smbclient cannot print strings well.
In my windows 2000 and XP, chcp shows 720 so I set dos charset to CP720 and get those errors upon using smbclient: Conversion from UCS-2LE to CP720 not supported Conversion from UTF-8 to CP720 not supported Conversion from UTF-8 to CP720 not supported Conversion from CP720 to UCS-2LE not supported Conversion from CP720 to UTF-8 not supported Conversion from CP720 to UTF-8 not supported Conversion from CP720 to UTF8 not supported Conversion from UTF8 to CP720 not supported ... convert_string_internal: Conversion not supported. I also tried 720 without the CP and almost the same problem. I checked iconv but couldn't find this 720 encoding!
Created attachment 588 [details] CP720 encoding page in the same format as those in /usr/share/i18n/charmaps/
It seems the problem is due to the lack of the CP720 code set. Now, I don't know samba internals; would it be enough to add it to glibc; or does Samba needs to be made aware of it somehow? (attached an IBM720 file I just write; it isn't enough to make iconv recognize it, a patch to glibc is needed too)
Adding it to glibc would be enough, on Linux samba does utilise system's iconv implementation.
please reopen if the bug still exists in a current release.
I just checked using 3.0.21c in ubuntu dapper drake and the bug is still valid.
If it's still broken in 3.5, please reopen. 3.0 isn't supported anymore.