Currently, `make install` from samba-4.4.0rc2.tar.gz will install the following files to somewhere in /usr, for example: /usr/include/samba-4.0/ndr.h /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/libndr.pc The contents of ndr.h (1-line excerpt): _PUBLIC_ void ndr_print_timeval(struct ndr_print *ndr, const char *name, const struct timeval *t); The presence of the header file and the .so file make this is a public interface in the context of a distribution, that is, third-party packages can be compiled and linked against libndr. Some confused people in the land of the openSUSE distribution are now claiming that libndr is private, despite indications to the contrary. This leaves two possibilities, of which I ask you to indicate which one holds: 1. libndr is public and that is the end of the story. 2. libndr is in fact private (like that which is in /usr/lib64/samba/) and the samba source tree ought not to install its .h files (nor the corresponding .pc file, nor the symlink) on `make install`.