Using "Version 4.1.12-SerNet-Debian-9.wheezy" and internal DNS there are no associated PTR records created on the reverse zone, when adding a new "host A" ressource record in the default forwarding zone. It makes no difference if the host A rr is added by using "samba-tool dns ..." or Microsoft DNS tool (from RSAT suite). First, I created the reverse zone through Microsoft DNS tool according samba's official DNS/HowTo: but I also tried again by removing the reverse zone, restarting samba4 server, and recreating the reverse zone with "samba-tool dns ..." command and afterwards restarting samba4 server again. Unfortunately without success, it didn't help either. On Google I found some users reporting the same or similar issues, see: seems this issue is RPC/DNSserver related...
(In reply to d3lphi from comment #0) I want to add following information. In Microsoft DNS tool I enter my forwarding zone, add a new "Host A" record and enter "testentry" with IP as ressource record. I tick the check box "Create associated pointer (PTR) record" and then on [OK]. I get no error message, everything ok until here. But the associated record is not created on my reverse zone
This requires implementation of adding reverse record when DNS_RPC_FLAG_RECORD_CREATE_PTR flag is specified.
*** Bug 12258 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 10807 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 12186 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***