val = lpcfg_parm_long(lp_ctx, NULL, "kdc", "service ticket lifetime", 10); *svc_tkt_lifetime = val * 60 * 60; val = lpcfg_parm_long(lp_ctx, NULL, "kdc", "user ticket lifetime", 10); *usr_tkt_lifetime = val * 60 * 60; val = lpcfg_parm_long(lp_ctx, NULL, "kdc", "renewal lifetime", 24 * 7); *renewal_lifetime = val * 60 * 60;
same for schema update parameter. Usually your users are also able to find parameters via "testparm -v". With the parametric options which are mostly being introduced because it's earier to add them testparm -v does not print them out. I'd vote for creating a list of parametric options, which don't have to be parametric for whatever reason, and make them non-parametric for the next release. That should be a blocker for 4.2 IMHO.