The Samba-Bugzilla – Attachment 9455 Details for
Bug 10284
Segfaults: internal error
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gdb backtrace
gdb.backtrace.txt (text/plain), 8.76 KB, created by
Marc Muehlfeld (dead/inactive account)
on 2013-11-21 07:59:11 UTC
gdb backtrace
MIME Type:
Marc Muehlfeld (dead/inactive account)
2013-11-21 07:59:11 UTC
8.76 KB
>[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] >0x00007fe45eb127ae in waitpid () from /lib64/ >#0 0x00007fe45eb127ae in waitpid () from /lib64/ >No symbol table info available. >#1 0x00007fe45eaa48c9 in do_system () from /lib64/ >No symbol table info available. >#2 0x00007fe4601efb08 in smb_panic_s3 (why=0x7fe46206ff3d "internal error") at ../source3/lib/util.c:798 > cmd = 0x7fe4641c99a0 "/usr/local/bin/panic-action 30356" > result = 0 > __FUNCTION__ = "smb_panic_s3" >#3 0x00007fe46205ccfb in smb_panic (why=0x7fe46206ff3d "internal error") at ../lib/util/fault.c:159 >No locals. >#4 0x00007fe46205c9fb in fault_report (sig=6) at ../lib/util/fault.c:77 > counter = 1 > __FUNCTION__ = "fault_report" >#5 0x00007fe46205ca10 in sig_fault (sig=6) at ../lib/util/fault.c:88 >No locals. >#6 <signal handler called> >No symbol table info available. >#7 0x00007fe45ea988e5 in raise () from /lib64/ >No symbol table info available. >#8 0x00007fe45ea9a0c5 in abort () from /lib64/ >No symbol table info available. >#9 0x00007fe45ea91a0e in __assert_fail_base () from /lib64/ >No symbol table info available. >#10 0x00007fe45ea91ad0 in __assert_fail () from /lib64/ >No symbol table info available. >#11 0x00007fe4601fb7fe in msg_channel_trigger (ev=0x7fe463eec0e0, im=0x7fe4641d9180, priv=0x7fe4641d9770) at ../source3/lib/msg_channel.c:298 > channel = 0x7fe4641d9770 > req = 0x7fe464202380 > state = 0x7fe4641da1a0 > num_msgs = 0 > __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "msg_channel_trigger" >#12 0x00007fe461287ee4 in tevent_common_loop_immediate (ev=0x7fe463eec0e0) at ../lib/tevent/tevent_immediate.c:135 > im = 0x7fe4641d9180 > handler = 0x7fe4601fb734 <msg_channel_trigger> > private_data = 0x7fe4641d9770 >#13 0x00007fe46020c197 in run_events_poll (ev=0x7fe463eec0e0, pollrtn=0, pfds=0x0, num_pfds=0) at ../source3/lib/events.c:191 > state = 0x7fe461978667 > pollfd_idx = 0x7fe461978648 > fde = 0x7fe4641c98e0 > __FUNCTION__ = "run_events_poll" >#14 0x00007fe46020c844 in s3_event_loop_once (ev=0x7fe463eec0e0, location=0x7fe461978f18 "../source3/smbd/process.c:3627") at ../source3/lib/events.c:303 > state = 0x7fe463eec940 > timeout = 2147483647 > num_pfds = 1630041416 > ret = 32767 > poll_errno = 1238545104 >#15 0x00007fe461286fa9 in _tevent_loop_once (ev=0x7fe463eec0e0, location=0x7fe461978f18 "../source3/smbd/process.c:3627") at ../lib/tevent/tevent.c:530 > ret = 32740 > nesting_stack_ptr = 0x0 >#16 0x00007fe461800a1e in smbd_process (ev_ctx=0x7fe463eec0e0, msg_ctx=0x7fe463eec1d0, sock_fd=35, interactive=false) at ../source3/smbd/process.c:3627 > frame = 0x7fe4641c9940 > conn = 0x7fe463ef3380 > sconn = 0x7fe463ef1ef0 > ss = {ss_family = 2, __ss_align = 0, __ss_padding = "\001\000\000\000\344\177", '\000' <repeats 19 times>, "cka\344\177\000\000\340\264\322I\377\177\000\000\320\301\356c\344\177\000\000\000\266\322I\377\177\000\000\340\027lb\344\177\000\000\000\274\322I\377\177\000\000\025\347Jb\344\177\000\000\340\300\356c\344\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000#\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\320\301\356c\344\177\000"} > sa = 0x7fff49d2b440 > sa_socklen = 16 > local_address = 0x7fe463ef6b90 > remote_address = 0x7fe463ef7630 > locaddr = 0x7fe463eec9c0 "6" > remaddr = 0x7fe463efce00 "" > rhost = 0x0 > ret = 0 > __FUNCTION__ = "smbd_process" >#17 0x00007fe4626c5c38 in smbd_accept_connection (ev=0x7fe463eec0e0, fde=0x7fe463f04fa0, flags=1, private_data=0x7fe463efe7d0) at ../source3/smbd/server.c:621 > status = {v = 0} > s = 0x0 > msg_ctx = 0x7fe463eec1d0 > addr = {ss_family = 2, __ss_align = 0, __ss_padding = "?\356c\344\177\000\000\060\266\322I\377\177\000\000?\322I\377\177\000\000\340\f\005b\344\177\000\000?\322I\377\177\000\000\353\006\005b\344\177\000\000?\356c\344\177\000\000\060\266\322I\377\177\000\000\070\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\070\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\333\365\t\000\000\000\000\000@\311\356c\344\177\000\000\220\266\322I\377\177\000\000\024\301 `\344\177\000"} > in_addrlen = 16 > fd = 35 > pid = 0 > unique_id = 5420943732392035854 > __FUNCTION__ = "smbd_accept_connection" >#18 0x00007fe46020c684 in run_events_poll (ev=0x7fe463eec0e0, pollrtn=1, pfds=0x7fe463efa030, num_pfds=5) at ../source3/lib/events.c:257 > pfd = 0x7fe463efa040 > flags = 1 > state = 0x7fe463eec940 > pollfd_idx = 0x7fe463f04b10 > fde = 0x7fe463f04fa0 > __FUNCTION__ = "run_events_poll" >#19 0x00007fe46020c95a in s3_event_loop_once (ev=0x7fe463eec0e0, location=0x7fe4626ca536 "../source3/smbd/server.c:943") at ../source3/lib/events.c:326 > state = 0x7fe463eec940 > timeout = 56653 > num_pfds = 5 > ret = 1 > poll_errno = 4 >#20 0x00007fe461286fa9 in _tevent_loop_once (ev=0x7fe463eec0e0, location=0x7fe4626ca536 "../source3/smbd/server.c:943") at ../lib/tevent/tevent.c:530 > ret = 32740 > nesting_stack_ptr = 0x0 >#21 0x00007fe4626c68d7 in smbd_parent_loop (ev_ctx=0x7fe463eec0e0, parent=0x7fe463ef1ef0) at ../source3/smbd/server.c:943 > ret = 0 > frame = 0x7fe463eee570 > __FUNCTION__ = "smbd_parent_loop" >#22 0x00007fe4626c7ff9 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fff49d2bc08) at ../source3/smbd/server.c:1577 > is_daemon = true > interactive = false > Fork = true > no_process_group = false > log_stdout = false > ports = 0x0 > profile_level = 0x0 > opt = -1 > pc = 0x7fe463eeab90 > print_build_options = false > long_options = {{longName = 0x0, shortName = 0 '\000', argInfo = 4, arg = 0x7fe45f001420, val = 0, descrip = 0x7fe4626ca601 "Help options:", argDescrip = 0x0}, {longName = 0x7fe4626ca60f "daemon", shortName = 68 'D', argInfo = 0, arg = 0x0, val = 1000, descrip = 0x7fe4626ca616 "Become a daemon (default)", argDescrip = 0x0}, {longName = 0x7fe4626ca630 "interactive", shortName = 105 'i', argInfo = 0, arg = 0x0, val = 1001, descrip = 0x7fe4626ca640 "Run interactive (not a daemon)", argDescrip = 0x0}, {longName = 0x7fe4626ca65f "foreground", shortName = 70 'F', argInfo = 0, arg = 0x0, val = 1002, descrip = 0x7fe4626ca670 "Run daemon in foreground (for daemontools, etc.)", argDescrip = 0x0}, {longName = 0x7fe4626ca6a1 "no-process-group", shortName = 0 '\000', argInfo = 0, arg = 0x0, val = 1003, descrip = 0x7fe4626ca6b8 "Don't create a new process group", argDescrip = 0x0}, {longName = 0x7fe4626ca6d9 "log-stdout", shortName = 83 'S', argInfo = 0, arg = 0x0, val = 1004, descrip = 0x7fe4626ca6e4 "Log to stdout", argDescrip = 0x0}, {longName = 0x7fe4626ca6f2 "build-options", shortName = 98 'b', argInfo = 0, arg = 0x0, val = 98, descrip = 0x7fe4626ca700 "Print build options", argDescrip = 0x0}, {longName = 0x7fe4626ca714 "port", shortName = 112 'p', argInfo = 1, arg = 0x7fff49d2bae0, val = 0, descrip = 0x7fe4626ca719 "Listen on the specified ports", argDescrip = 0x0}, {longName = 0x7fe4626ca737 "profiling-level", shortName = 80 'P', argInfo = 1, arg = 0x7fff49d2bad8, val = 0, descrip = 0x7fe4626ca747 "Set profiling level", argDescrip = 0x7fe4626ca75b "PROFILE_LEVEL"}, {longName = 0x0, shortName = 0 '\000', argInfo = 4, arg = 0x7fe46088a880, val = 0, descrip = 0x7fe4626ca769 "Common samba options:", argDescrip = 0x0}, {longName = 0x0, shortName = 0 '\000', argInfo = 4, arg = 0x7fe46088a040, val = 0, descrip = 0x7fe4626ca780 "Build-time configuration overrides:", argDescrip = 0x0}, {longName = 0x0, shortName = 0 '\000', argInfo = 0, arg = 0x0, val = 0, descrip = 0x0, argDescrip = 0x0}} > parent = 0x7fe463ef1ef0 > frame = 0x7fe463ee81a0 > status = {v = 0} > ev_ctx = 0x7fe463eec0e0 > msg_ctx = 0x7fe463eec1d0 > server_id = {pid = 100570, task_id = 0, vnn = 4294967295, unique_id = 7629114966285698420} > se = 0x7fe463ef2250 > np_dir = 0x7fe463efce00 "" > smbd_shim_fns = {cancel_pending_lock_requests_by_fid = 0x7fe4617de937 <smbd_cancel_pending_lock_requests_by_fid>, send_stat_cache_delete_message = 0x7fe4617e8827 <smbd_send_stat_cache_delete_message>, change_to_root_user = 0x7fe4617c9694 <smbd_change_to_root_user>, contend_level2_oplocks_begin = 0x7fe461850d99 <smbd_contend_level2_oplocks_begin>, contend_level2_oplocks_end = 0x7fe461850e0c <smbd_contend_level2_oplocks_end>, become_root = 0x7fe4617c99cf <smbd_become_root>, unbecome_root = 0x7fe4617c99f7 <smbd_unbecome_root>, exit_server = 0x7fe461846b21 <smbd_exit_server>, exit_server_cleanly = 0x7fe461846b3e <smbd_exit_server_cleanly>} > __FUNCTION__ = "main" >A debugging session is active. > > Inferior 1 [process 30356] will be detached. > >Quit anyway? (y or n) [answered Y; input not from terminal]
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bug 10284
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